Workshop on Menstruation for Sports Coaches and Athletes

Menstruation is a not so openly talked about topic in India. It is estimated that over half of all adolescent girls have no knowledge of what is happening to their bodies during their first period, and as many as 1 in 4 girls does not attend school due to menstruation. The trend is also prevalent in the sports ecosystem. Female athletes barely open up to the topic of menstruation, especially with their counterparts and coaches. With proper knowledge of the science of menstruation, female athletes can be empowered to perform better.
After identifying this critical gap, Simply Sport Foundation and Project Baala have come up with a menstruation curriculum workshop that aims at:
1. Normalizing and understanding menstruation as a biological phenomenon.
2. Understanding the importance of period tracking.
3. Understanding the health repercussions of not understanding the body.
Through this educational workshop, we aim to erase the taboo surrounding the topic of menstruation, educate the stakeholders on the topic and the effects of menstruation on the athlete's body and perfomance.
More about the Program
Details of the workshop
Duration: 2.5 hours
Conducted by: Trained facilitators
Curriculum: Presentations, pictures, videos, games
The workshop can be conducted online or offline based on your requirements
Language of the workshop: Hindi, English, Kannada, and Marathi
Who can attend the Program
Female Athletes
Coaches (Both male & female)
Who can attend the Program
Inquire about the Program
To know more about the workshop or to conduct this workshop for your organization or academy, reach out to us. Please click on the link provided below and fill up the form.